Elena Nikolaevna Anisimova Sheet music for piano, piano duet, chamber orchestra, symphony orchestra and all kinds of ensembles.

Cognitive connections between auditory and visual perception and their applications in musical art and new media

02.11.2019 Article

Studying the correlation between auditory perception and, emerging during this perception, colour associations opens the possibility of finding audio – visual relationships and connections, which can be used for audio visualisation in various areas of art and new media. Materials and Methods: A test was developed and conducted for this investigation in order to study the formation of audio-visual associative links in cognitive domains. The statistical method of research is based on the obtained empirical data. Results and Discussion: One of the aims of the test was to investigate the regularity between the height of musical register and emerging associative colours. The results show that audible sounds correspond with associated colours through the correlation of their perceived sound frequency and wavelength of light based on the similar pattern recognition of incoming audio and visual information. Additionally, a correlation was found between sound frequency and level of lightness in the colours


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